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CST commissioned survey reveals operators need to keep customers charged to stem nomophobia!

A survey of nearly 1,000 respondents commissioned by Call Systems Technology (CST), has revealed that 1 in 2 consumers would feel safer knowing that they could charge their mobile phone in a pub, bar, restaurant, hotel or café when required.

Not only would consumers feel safer knowing that they could charge their phone, the research also revealed that 50% of respondents would be more inclined to spend longer in a pub, bar, restaurant, hotel or café, ordering extra items such as drinks or desserts, if the operator offered the facility to charge their phone. The survey draws attention to consumer thinking around perceived added value services, in this instance, the simple ability to charge their mobile phone, also has the knock on effect of enhancing their experience and in turn for the operator, dwell time.

When it came to loyalty, 40% of those surveyed would become more loyal as a customer to a pub, bar, restaurant, hotel or café if they were offered a way to charge their phones, whilst at the same time keeping the phone with them. Nomophobia, is the pathological fear, anxiety, or discomfort associated with being without your mobile phone. The most recent Deloitte Mobile Consumer Survey explained it as: “The sheer panic that descends the moment you suspect that you’ve accidentally left it at home, or that sinking feeling of despair when it’s on 1 per cent charge and the sense of relief when someone offers you a charger.”

With consumers wanting to stay constantly connected, 43% of those surveyed said they would actively seek out a restaurant, pub, bar, hotel or café if an app had the ability to direct them to their nearest operator with a charging service.

Ashley Sheppard, Group Commercial Director, Call Systems Technology commented: “Make sure your customers are connected! This is the key message we are seeing from our research. Today’s generation clearly values being charged and connected regardless of where they are. As an operator it’s a very simple service to offer at a basic level of customer service, which will not only enhance the experience, loyalty and dwell time, but more importantly, keep Nomophobia at bay!”