Did you know a staggering 60% of British people have admitted to making a complaint whilst dining out? This alarming figure is unacceptable in a modern world where copious technology options are available for operators to easily improve the guest experience. Below we’ve highlighted the best technology to combat common restaurant complaints so guests are able to enjoy a positive dining experience.
Complaint: Meals served at the incorrect temperature
Whether it’s soups served cold or salads served lukewarm, meals served at the wrong temperature can quickly ruin a dining experience. The primary reason meals aren’t served at their optimal temperature is because dishes sit at the kitchen pass for extended periods waiting to be collected by a server.
Solution: Waiter paging
By using a waiter paging system, chefs can immediately alert the correct waiter when a dish for one of their tables is ready. Waiters are notified via a personal pager ensuring meals are delivered promptly and at the correct temperature. This solution also eliminates the time wasted going back and forth from the kitchen to check on orders.
Complaint: Slow service
No one likes to wait, especially while out to eat, but in a busy restaurant it can be difficult to get the attention of a waiter. During lunch or dinner rushes, guests are regularly forced to wait extended periods before they can order additional drinks or pay their bill.
Solution: Call buttons
Placing call buttons on restaurant tables allows guests to quickly get the attention of their waiter with minimal effort. When a call button is pressed the appropriate waiter receives a pager alert, with the table number identified so they know exactly where to tend to next. Not only is service speed improved but profits are also boosted, because it’s easier for guests to order additional food and drinks.
Complaint: Inaccurate calculation of the bill
Bill miscalculations can happen for a number of reasons, commonly promotions do not get applied to the final total or guests are charged for food and drink they never ordered. Although the amount could be very little customers shouldn’t have to do their own maths whilst out to eat.
Solution: Efficient EPOS
With the use of modern EPOS systems bills should never be inaccurate once they reach the table. Current EPOS systems have the ability to automatically apply promotions and staff members are able to easily remove incorrect charges, if required. If customers are still receiving incorrect bills, restaurants should consider upgrading or changing their EPOS system.
Complaint: Appearance and taste of food not as described
Many restaurants will include images of dishes on the menu to entice diners, however this can backfire when meals don’t look the same once served. This type of complaint is especially prevalent for restaurants with more than one site when brand consistency is not met by all locations.
Solution: Recipe viewer platform
Many back of house technology solutions have the option to host a virtual recipe book, accessible via kitchen screens. One example is kitchen automation software, which displays recipes and images of dishes so that all employees, even across multiple sites, have access to the same information and can prepare meals in the same way.