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All posts tagged Restaurant Magazine

A byte to eat? Cryptocurrency’s coming to dinner

Cryptocurrency could soon be a big part of the restaurant world. Find out how the model is being taken up by the hospitality industry in…

Nutrition technology: this time it’s personal

Could food choices soon be based on people’s DNA? Eloise Sheppard takes a look at how nutrition technology could impact the restaurant sector in her…

How real time technology is giving restaurant operators a helping hand!

What are the real-time effects of technology for restaurant operators? Here, in Ashley Sheppard’s column for Restaurant Magazine as Guest Technology Editor, he explains his prediction.

Can artificial intelligence really come to the aid of operators fighting the location war?

Ashley Sheppard, Commercial Director, Call Systems Technology and Guest Technology Editor, Restaurant Magazine. As said in the January issue: We ended 2016 heralding the rise of Artificial…

It’s all about augmented reality in 2017

Ashley Sheppard, Commercial Director, Call Systems Technology and Guest Technology Editor, Restaurant Magazine. As said in the December issue: Everywhere I turn in my world of…

Waste not, want not – don’t bin your profits

Technology really comes into its own when tackling the huge levels of waste in the restaurant sector.