Crowd safety, control and communication
Securing stadiums and arenas for staff and customers has never been so important, given the vast numbers and sources of potential hazards. The key to success lies in having reliable and robust on-site arena communications. CST works hand in hand with stadiums and arenas to ensure staff and customer safety.
For more information on our stadium & arena products & solutions, download our sector brochure!
Our Solutions
Our StewardCall solution provides crowd safety to stadiums, arenas and other sporting events. With instant and discreet communication with Supervisors, Emergency Medical Assistance, Evacuation Squads or Cleaners throughout your venue. The difference between seconds and minutes can diffuse a dangerous situation or even save a life at a crowded event. Delivering responsiveness with stadium-wide coverage; they’re essential to protecting the public and your business.
Find out more about our StewardCall solution and download our brochure!