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Why Two-Way Radios Are Beneficial for Education Establishments

How do you ensure that students and staff are kept safe throughout the day? The answer: two-way radio communication. 

Reliable and effective communication solutions are critical to education establishments. The benefits include increased operational efficiency, enhanced site security and no reliance on network connectivity. And with such a wide network of communication lines – from teaching staff to administration, maintenance, and management – always being able to communicate is imperative.  

Whilst it’s likely you have a communication system in place, and it may work for you, but to be truly effective, integration is key. Two-way radios have the capability to connect with other on-site systems, such as fire and intruder alarms, effectively supporting rapid lockdowns and emergency evacuation procedures. Building an infrastructure of communications can help reduce response times when it matters the most.

A cost-effective solution and simple way for staff to securely communicate with each other at just the push of a button – one-to-one or one-to-many. In unpredictable environments, radios enable you to take action sooner.

Have you ever experienced any of the below where you thought communication could have been smoother?

  • Calling for medical help in the case of an emergency
  • Alerting maintenance and clean up staff when required
  • Diffusing student disruptions
  • Monitoring pick up and drop off sites
  • Communicating with staff on large fields
  • Monitoring security to ensure staff and student safety

Call Systems Technology (CST) solutions allow education establishments to scale from daily to critical communication and accommodate any situation that may arise. Proven solutions that are effective in Primary & Secondary Schools, Universities, SEN Schools, Deaf Education Establishments and more.